SoCal Cryo-EM Symposium
8th Annual SoCal Cryo-EM Symposium
8th Annual SoCal Cryo-EM Symposium
The 8th SoCal Cryo-EM Symposium took place on October 12, 2023. This highly successful scientific gathering has become a recurring event, and this year it was held at the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB). The primary aim of the symposium is to bring together experts, researchers, vendors, and industrial partners from the field of cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) from Southern California to exchange knowledge, present the latest advancements, and foster collaborative discussions.
The symposium began at 10 am with an opening address from Prof. Wiltzius, the Dean of the College of Letters & Science, and concluded with a dinner at 6:30 pm. Similar to previous years, the program featured engaging short talks as well as poster presentations by postdoctoral researchers and graduate students. The day culminated with Prof. Ken Taylor’s keynote talk with an introduction by Prof. Derosier. To make attendance more convenient, buses were chartered to transport participants from the San Diego, LAX, and Pasadena areas. Overall we have a bit over 230 attendees.